In December, we reported that Google is testing ads on Knowledge Graph panels. The example then was an ad for local car dealership appearing on the car knowledge graph. We’re now seeing ads on the knowledge graph for movie streaming rentals that give Google Play the VIP treatment.
Below is a screenshot showing the ads that appear on the knowledge panel for the movie “Megamind”. In all the examples we’ve seen so far, Google Play is featured first with a sort of enhanced listing that includes the brand icon and “Watch” call-to-action. An “Also available from” ad listing appears below the featured ad spot on several results.
It also seems that Amazon is included only when the rental prices on both services are the same. For example, on the knowledge graph panel for Despicable Me 2, shown below, only an ad for Google Play shows with a rental price of $4.99. It turns out Amazon rents that movie for $5.99.
The knowledge graph ads are appearing on both desktop and mobile SERPs.
Update: Hulu Plus is showing on some results. Examples include “Lost In Translation” (shown here) and “Exit Through The Gift Shop”. In the example of “Glengarry Glen Ross” shown below, Google Play is not noted, and Amazon is the only vendor listed.