Formerly dubbed the Search Query Report, Bing Ads has updated what’s now called the Search Term Report, which houses the data on the terms users actually typed before clicking on an ad.
Included in the new release are results on zero-click search queries. These terms had been excluded from the report, but advertisers had been requesting to see them in order to build out stronger negative keyword lists and to better understand the terms for which their ads are not resonating with users. With the update advertisers now have access to 20 to 40 times more search term data than in the past, according to the announcement.
Focusing in on these terms can help advertisers improve click-through rates and quality scores. Additionally, Fady Khoury, Program Manager for Bing Ads Platform reports in the blog post that “the issue of understated impressions and overstated CTR for a search term has been completely solved. Advertisers now have the complete picture around the search terms to make more precise evaluations.” (Emphasis is his.)
Note that if you’re looking at search terms from the Dimensions tab, you’ll still only see terms with at least one click.